Registration and kick-off week

Administrative registration and fees

Only students who have been admitted to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are able to make an administrative registration.

Fees for non-EU students 2022-2023

In accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors dated from December 15th, 2021, international students who are not nationals of a State belonging to the European Union, a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco or the Province of Quebec, known as "non-EU" students preparing a national degree, will pay the same fees as national students for the 2022-2023 academic year.

How to register

Please visit the official UNISTRA website where all the procedure is detailed.

Administrative registration for the 2022-2023 academic year: :

Registration for the Bachelor’s 2nd, 3rd year and the Professional Degrees : August 26, 2022 at the latest

1st year of Masters registration :

  • by July 8, 2022 at the latest for students admitted before June 24, 2022 and who have a certificate of successful completion of their Bachelor's degree.
  • By August 26, 2022 at the latest for students admitted after June 24, 2022

2nd of Masters registration  : October 1st, 2022 at the latest

Specific profiles: students admitted to a specific University Diploma (DU) like the University Diploma of Mathematics and Advanced Physics, Magisterium, Actuarial Science or the Master’s Degree of Engineering in Computer Science (CMI) program will register for the bachelor's/master's degree online. Final registration for the DU will be done in person after the beginning of the school year.

Pedagogical registration

The pedagogical registration is an important step and complementary to your administrative registration. It is mendatory and conditions your semesters (courses, tutorials, practical work, continuous assessment and exams) and the registration of your results.

Information will be given to you at the beginning of the academic year during the kick-off meetings.

Students who do not have a pedagogical registration for the teaching units won’t be allowed to take exams.

Academic contract

The academic contract commits the student for the academic year. Consequently, no modification in the choice of courses can be made during the year. This document summarizes the genersions contained in the academic contract. The academic contracts provided to students at the beginning of the academic year must be completed and submitted as soon as possible to the reception desk of the Student Life and Studies Department.


Kick-off meetings and useful information

Head teachers organize pedagogical information meetings.
In order to prepare for the academic year, it is important to attend these meetings!

The meetings concerning the following courses will take place at the Pôle API - Boulevard Sébastien Brant - 67412 Illkirch cedex (see map)

  • ARS professional degree
  • All Master's in Computer Science
  • Infos utiles relatives à votre scolarité (à venir)