Data Structures and Algorithms 2
Licence InformatiqueParcours Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


Following the DSA 1 course, the goal of this course is to extend the study of data structures: after the linear data structures studied in DSA 1 (arrays, single and double linked lists), the course presents binary trees, graphs, binary search trees, heaps and hash-tables and the algorithms attached to them, as well as their complexities.

Some algorithms based on those structures are also presented, such as heap-sort.

All along the course, it will be shown how the concept of abstract data type relates to source code modularity. The support language for this lecture is C and Makefiles.

Compétences requises

  • Data Structures and Algorithms 1.

  • Elementary Mathematics: power and logarithms.

  • Practical knowledge of how to use a C compiler, make and Makefiles.

Compétences visées

  • After this course, the student will know how to choose adapted data structures to solve a problem and analyze the complexity of the proposed solution.

  • He will be able to implement the design solution in C


  • Informatique


  • Introduction to Algorithms. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein. 4th edition, 2022.

  • Modern C. Jens Gustedt. 2nd edition, 2021.


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement