Study abroad
Mobility is generally prepared from the 2nd year of Bachelor’s level for a departure in 3rd year, 1st year of Master’s or 2nd year of Master’s.
- Attend the meeting of the International Relations on the mobility day organized by the university. This meeting takes place in October during the international mobility week. It is posted on the Unistra website. During this meeting all the information and answers to your questions will be given.
- Read very carefully all the information on the Unistra website under the heading "Going abroad". The mobility guide will also be able to help you as well as the map of destinations (Moveonline) which will allow you to consult the list of possible destinations.
- Register on the Unistra website, respecting all the procedures and the calendar. Any application not submitted on time will be refused.
Erasmus+ Studies mobility preparation workshops for students selected for an Erasmus+ mobility
Mobility student testimonials Read the testimonials of students who have taken part in an international mobility program.
Financial aids & scholarships
There are many grants and funding programs that can help you balance your budget. These programs vary according to the destination you have chosen for your stay abroad. Study contracts must be established with the International Relations Correspondent before submission to the International Relations Committee.
EUCOR the European campus
Studying at the University of Strasbourg means joining a European Campus and benefiting from the training offered by the universities of Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace and the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
You can :
- take a cross-border course ;
- study for one or two semesters (semester mobility);
- follow a course or seminar throughout the semester (one-off mobility);
- receive support for your cross-border professional project;
- access university services and take part in student life.
At 5 universities in Germany, Switzerland and France, without ever having to travel more than 200 kilometers!
Find out more:
Any questions? campus-europeen-mobilite[at]
Watch the video presentation here!
EUCOR seminar
Read the testimonial of Adam, participant in the 2023-24 edition of the Eucor seminar of the M1 Computer Science.
Co-organized by Basel, Strasbourg and Mulhouse, the topic was “AI, societal, legal and environmental issues”.
Video with English subtitles
Video with French subtitles
More about Eucor Seminar in Computer Science

Séminaire EUCOR
Séminaire du 7 octobre 2024 à l'UFR de Mathématique et d'Informatique
Séminaire EUCOR
Séminaire du 7 octobre 2024 à l'UFR de Mathématique et d'Informatique