After a long history marked by numerous fusions of different research laboratories in computer science and automation launched in the 1970s and 1980s, ICUBE was created in 2013 following the last major merger. It currently gathers around 650 researchers from the University of Strasbourg, the CNRS, INRIA, ENGEES, and INSA Strasbourg, and covers various fields of engineering and computer sciences, with image as a central theme. Its main fields of application are engineering for health the environment and sustainable development.
With more than 650 members organized in 17 research teams and 4 departments, geographically distributed on 4 sites in Strasbourg, ICUBE is one of the major actors of research in Alsace. It contributes to the research training of more than 120 interns and 180 PhD students each year.
The "Computer Science Research" department covers a variety of fields of research in computer science and information, communication sciences and technologies: networks, the Internet of the future and objects, 3D modelling, animation, visualization, virtual reality, constraints solving and proofs in geometry, image analysis and processing, medical imaging, high-performance scientific computing, compilation, cloud computing, bioinformatics, data mining, artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering, stochastic optimization and complex systems.
The laboratory operates seven high-level technological platforms in the fields of imaging, robotics and innovation in health (IRIS), computer networks (Inetlab), computer graphics, analysis and artificial intelligence (GAIA), bioinformatics and genomics Bioinformatics and Genomics (BIGEst-ICube), development and characterization of components, PV cells and sensors (C3Fab), Mechanics of fluids and materials, biomechanics, design and simulation (MechaniCS), and remote sensing imaging (SERTIT).
ICube also hosts numerous projects of excellence, notably from the "Investissements d'Avenir" program, such as several Equipex+/Equipex, Labex, Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI), and Institutes of Excellence on Decarbonated Energies (IEED).
ICube actively develops academic and industrial partnerships, particularly in collaboration with the SATT Conectus and the competitiveness clusters, and is strongly engaged in industrial development and technology transfer.