System, Algorithms and Programming 1
Licence InformatiqueParcours Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)
ComposanteFaculté de physique et ingénierie
- Working with Linux
- Using the GUI and the terminal
- Essentials of Basic Linux Commands
- Installing programs
- Introduction to Logical Thinking
- First-Order Logic, Logical Expression and Operators
- Truth tables
- Distributivity, Associativity and Commutativity Laws, DeMorgan Laws
- Quantifiers, Equivalence and Implication
- Algorithms
- Algorithms and Pseudo-Code
- Flowcharts
- Basic notion on Running Time
- Brief on analysis of algorithms
- Python programming language
- Calculating with Python: Variables and Multiple Assignment; Arithmetic Operators; import math
- Strings; Placeholders in Strings; Conditional Operators; Conditional Statements
- While Loop; For Loop; Introduction to Lists
- Spyder IDE; Functions; Caesar Cipher
- In-Built Functions; return None, Tuple; Lambda Function
- Other Data Types: Mutable vs Immutable, Tuples, Sets, Dictionary
- Recursion
- Modules: math, random, statistics, itertools, datetime, pathlib, antigravity, easygui, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pillow, pydub
- Manipulating Files
Compétences visées
At the end of the course the students will be comfortable with the points listed above.