Oscillators, Waves, Optics
Licence InformatiqueParcours Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)
ComposanteFaculté de physique et ingénierie
- Harmonic oscillators
- Coupled oscillators
- Propagating waves- Huygens Fresnel principle-Spherical and Plane Waves. Standing waves
- Applications with vibrating string, two-wire lines and acoustic waves.
- Wave superposition-Beats-Interferences-Diffraction
- Descartes law. Applications
- Mirors and lenses-conjugated system
- Optical Instruments
Compétences visées
Understanding the concept of wave superposition.
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi
1 evaluation in continuous control resulting from different quizzes lasting about 10 minutes, typically 1 every two sessions of classes and tutorials (coef. 1)
1 evaluation at the end of teaching (coef. 2)
- Physics for scientists and Engineers, Serway
- Waves, Berkeley