Licence InformatiqueParcours Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


The course on Cryptography provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles, techniques, and applications of cryptography and security. Students will delve into the foundations of cryptography, exploring topics such as ciphers, secret messages, security attacks, and security mechanisms. The course will cover both symmetric key encipherment and asymmetric key encipherment, enabling students to understand the principles behind various encryption algorithms and their practical implementations. In the section on symmetric key encipherment, students will study traditional techniques such as substitution ciphers, transposition ciphers, and stream and block ciphers. Additionally, modern symmetric key ciphers, including  block ciphering (ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB),  and Moder symmetric algorithm such as DES (Data Encryption Algorithm) and  IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm),will be examined in detail. The course will also introduce students to asymmetric key encipherment, focusing on the principles of public key cryptography and its underlying number theory. Students will learn about prominent algorithms like RSA and ELGAMAL. Furthermore, the course will cover hash functions and digital signatures. The Digital Signature Standard (DSS) and SA Digital Signatures will be explored. Finally the course will cover aspects of cryptographic protocols and their applications. 

Compétences visées

By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in cryptography and security, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to analyze, design, and implement secure cryptographic systems.


  • Informatique


Topic 1: Foundations of Cryptography and Security

    • Introduction

    • Ciphers and Secret Messages

    • Security Attacks and Services

    • Security Mechanism

Topic 2: Symmetric Key Encipherment

  • Traditional Symmetric Key Encipherment:

  • Introduction

  • Substitution Ciphers

  • Transposition Ciphers

  • Stream and Bloc Ciphers

  • Modern Symmetric Key Ciphers

  • Modern Bloc Cipher (ECB/CBC/CFB/OFB)

  • DES: Data Encryption Algorithm

  • IDEA: International Data Encryption Algorithm

  • Modern stream Cipher

Topic 3: Asymmetric Key Encipherment

    • Principle of Public Key Cryptography

    • Introduction to Number Theory

    • RSA Algorithm

    • ELGAMEL Algorithm

Topic 4: Hash Function and Digital Signatures

    • Hash function Definition.

    • Security of Hash Function and MACs

    • Digital Signature Definition

    • Digital Signature Standard (DSS)

    • SA Digital Signatures

Topic 5: Security Application and Cryptographic Protocols


Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C. 20th Anniversary Edition by Bruce Schneier. Wiley


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement