Computer Vision
Licence InformatiqueParcours Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)
Image processing is a fundamental aspect of computer science and engineering, focusing on the analysis and manipulation of digital images using algorithms and mathematical techniques. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of image processing concepts, techniques, and applications. In addition, this course covers an introduction about computer vision goals, challenges and applications and an intro to deep learning.
- Informatique
L1: Introduction to computer vision, intro to image processing and its applications
L2: Image types, color systems, operations
L3: Filters: Mean, Gaussian, median filters. Blurring images, and other operations
L4: Fourier transform, Law pass filters, high pass filters, deblurring, noise elimination
L5: Frequency filters, comparison between spatial domain and frequency domain
L6: Morphological operations
L7: Edge detection
L8: Segmentation
L9: Intro to deep learning, neural networks
L10: intro to CNN for computer vision, Object segmentation and classification using CNN.
PW1: image basics using OpenCV library
PW2: Blinding and pasting images, some operations, CV functions.
PW3: Image Thresholding
PW4: Blurring and smoothing
PW5: Morphological operations
PW6: Gradients
PW7: Corner detection
PW8: Edge detection
PW9: Licence plate detection and blurring
PW10: Face detection