Cloud Computing
Licence InformatiqueParcours Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)
The course aim to expose the students to the cloud computing technology, its benefits, mode and mechanisms. It also allows students to get exposed to one of the most popular platform features and functionalities in cloud covering IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
The course provides students with critical knowledge and understanding of the cloud computing technologies. Topics include cloud infrastructure, reference model, resource management, application models, system characterizations, and implementations, deployment of cloud computing systems, parallel processing in the cloud, distributed storage systems, virtualization, security in the cloud. Students will be gaining practical knowledge on a commonly used platform.
Compétences requises
Operating System shell skills.
Compétences visées
Understanding of Cloud infrastructures.
Operate Clouds from a client-side.
- Informatique
- Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice (3rd Edition). Dan C. Marinescu. Morgan Kaufmann, 2022.
- Microsoft Learn Platform: Azure Modules.