The committees
Philippe R. RICHARD, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Laurent VIVIER, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Scientific Advisors
Raymond DUVAL, Lille, France
Athanasios GAGATSIS Université de Chypre, Nicosie, Chypre
Alain KUZNIAK, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Eric RODITI, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France
Editorial Board
Ferdinando AZARELLO, Università degli studi di Torino, Italie
Alain BRONNER, Université de Montpellier, France
Lalina COULANGE, Université de Bordeaux, France
Iliada ELIA, Université de Chypre, Nicosie, Chypre
Viktor FREIMAN, Université de Moncton, Canada
Patrick GIBEL, Université de Bordeaux, France
Inés Ma GÓMEZ-CHACÓN, Université Complutense, Madrid, Espagne
Cécile De HOSSON, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Fernando HITT, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Catherine HOUDEMENT, Université de Rouen, France
Asuman OKTAÇ, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico, Mexique
Luis RADFORD, Université Laurentienne, Sudbury, Canada
Jean-Claude RÉGNIER, Université Lumière, Lyon, France
Denis TANGUAY, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Laurent THEIS, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Fabienne VENANT, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Carl WINSLØW, Université de Copenhague, Danemark
The journal's editorial board is consulted by the editors-in-chief for any evolution of the journal: change of scientific direction, request for referencing in a database, etc. In addition, the members of the editorial board are asked to evaluate the articles. Ideally, for each article, one of the three reviewers is a member of the editorial board.
Responsible for publication
Nathalie WACH, Directrice de l’IREM de Strasbourg
Editorial Advisor
Charlotte DEROUET, Université de Strasbourg, France
Camille DOUKHAN, Université de Strasbourg, France
Electronic Publishing
Christine CARABIN, IREM de Strasbourg
Publishing Secretary, distribution and ordering
Bruno METZ, IREM de Strasbourg
Tél. : +33 (0)3 68 85 01 30
IREM de Strasbourg – Université de Strasbourg
7, rue René Descartes 67084 Strasbourg CEDEX
Tél. : +33 (0)3 68 85 01 30
Fax. : +33 (0)3 68 85 01 65
Presentation of the journal
The Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives is an annual journal founded in 1988 by Raymond DUVAL and François PLUVINAGE, currently under the responsibility of Philippe R. RICHARD and Laurent VIVIER.
This international journal is dedicated to the dissemination of research in mathematics didactics and related fields. It is a French-language reference journal on research on the teaching and learning of mathematics. Articles are mainly written in French, but can also be published in Spanish or English.
The journal is scientifically classified by the European organisation ERIH and by the HCRES in France. It is also listed in reference databases such as MathEducDataBase or Googlescholar. These different listings add value to the publications in the Annals for the authors. The articles are freely available on the Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives website as well as on the OpenEdition Journals website as soon as they are published, without embargo.
The journal is open to all types of research. Articles may be theoretical in nature, closely related to a teaching experiment, or may be reports of teaching experiments based on an explicit theoretical framework. It is also possible to present a synthesis of research carried out in a particular field of mathematics didactics, or to propose reading notes of scientific works in the field. The articles can concern all teaching settings in various socio-cultural contexts and also be interested in initial and in-service teacher training.
In addition to the annual issue, the journal offers the possibility of publishing a special issue based on a clearly formulated project.
This journal is mainly aimed at researchers in didactics. It will also be of interest to teacher trainers who wish to base their training on research in didactics of mathematics.
Instructions to authors
The journal is open to any type of research, whether it is a didactic essay or a study report involving empirical research. It is also possible to present a synthesis of research carried out in a particular field of mathematics education or a related field (physics, algorithms, etc.), or to propose reading notes on scientific works. The theoretical fields of reference are drawn from mathematics didactics. When they are part of a problematic of mathematics teaching, the works can also be based on cognitive psychology or linguistics.
The draft papers are generally no longer than twenty pages, but in exceptional cases they may be longer, allowing the author to develop an original point of view that emerges in the research field.
Articles may be written in French, Spanish or English. When the article is written in Spanish or English, it is expected that the authors also provide an abstract in French. If one of the three languages of the journal is not understood by the authors, please specify this at the time of submission.
Articles should be submitted by email to mai-adsc[at]
Before sending your article, please check that it complies with the following editorial guidelines:
- The format of the journal is respected: style file for authors.
- The level of language used is careful and well worked.
- The images are of good quality in jpeg or png format.
- The proposed article is original. It has neither been published elsewhere nor sent to another journal for publication. It is not a simple translation of a previously published article.
- The article is free of plagiarism: knowledge, quotations, adaptations or inspirations are duly referenced (see APA 7e files).
- The submission of the article is accompanied by the sending of an anonymous file.
- By deciding to send an article to the journal Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, you authorise the publication of your article on the journal's website and on the OpenEdition Journals website.
- You also agree to provide links to these two sites for the distribution of your article :
Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives
- Filename: Style sheet ADSC english version File extension: docxFile size: 296 KB
- Filename: Feuille de style ADSC français File extension: docxFile size: 297 KB
- Filename: Quote according APA standards. Bibliothèques universitaires de l'Université de Montréal File extension: pdfFile size: 378 KB
- Filename: Style APA 7e File extension: pdfFile size: 337 KB
Text selection procedures
Proposed papers are subject to double-blind refereeing by three reviewers before publication. A summary will be sent to the authors by the editors. If necessary, requests for modifications, adjustments or additions to the texts presented will be sent to the authors.
Articles are received by the journal's editors. They are in private access, restricted to the editors-in-chief, the scientific advisors and the editorial advisor.
An initial assessment of the article's suitability for the journal's objectives is made by the editors. This initial assessment may result in the rejection of the article if it does not correspond to the journal's editorial line or if it poses an ethical problem. It may also be sent back to the authors to make changes before being sent to the reviewers, for example, for formatting or linguistic correction. If necessary, the scientific advisors can be consulted.
The editors consult each other in the selection and solicitation of reviewers, who have a maximum of two months to return their review. They monitor the evaluation process and pay attention to the return dates in order to plan the publication.
An evaluation form is proposed to the three evaluators. Depending on their feedback, a summary is sent to the authors including their evaluations. Four scenarios are envisaged :
- (A) publication accepted as such ;
- (B) publication accepted with minor changes to be made, without the need for a new assessment ;
- (C) publication possible subject to major changes to be made and requiring a new assessment ;
- (D) refusal of the article.
Depending on the eventuality, the treatment is as follows :
- Cas A, the article is transferred to the editorial advisor and the publishing secretary to prepare for publication.
- Cas B, the editors request the return of changes by authors within a maximum of one month.
- Cas C, the authors have two months to return their new version. Thereafter, the three original reviewers are asked to review the paper within two months (which can be reduced to one month if this allows the paper to be published in the year's issue).
- Cas D, detailed feedback is sent to the authors by the editors-in-chief. If necessary, the scientific advisors can be called upon.
Generally, articles sent in year n are published in the issue in year n + 1.